
In the tables below the home teams are on the left, the away teams are at the top. Rearranged matches are shown on a yellow background. Please note, the negotiations to reschedule a postponed match are supposed to take less than two weeks. If either captain is deemed to be avoiding the issue they risk forfeiting the match.

Weekday matches from 6 May to 12 August (inclusive) should start no later than 6:30pm. Weekday matches outside these dates should start no later than 6:15pm. For weekend matches, if the finish times are not published, would captains please calculate the correct finish times for their matches.

Men Division 5 fixtures          Ladies Division 4 fixtures

Men Division 4 fixtures           Ladies Division 3 fixtures

Men Division 3 fixtures           Ladies Division 2 fixtures

Men Division 2 fixtures          Ladies Division 1 fixtures

Men Division 1 fixtures Start and finish times

This information was correct at the time of publication. However if teams change their matchdates without informing the league, this information may be out of date.